There are many shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. (Vicky Baum)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

First attendance at the Ballroom Dancing group...nice!

Wow, it's Sunday already... time to catch up on a post I had wanted to write since last Tuesday.. (yeah... I am big procrastinator....not proud of that, but that's me, alright...).

Apparently, there is a ballroom-dancing group that meets up most Mondays, and finally, we got invited :p  So there we were, spending around 2 hours for some cha-cha, slow waltz and jive.  I left with a seriously sore right-calf muscle, and several days to recover before the next meeting.  And voila, next meeting is tomorrow already.

Here are a couple of links, with beginner Waltz and Jive instruction from Youtube:

Beginner instruction to Jive

PS:  It was really funny when B asked the 'instructor' to show me the basic footwork of slow waltz, he said "Oh, but it is very similar to the normal waltz!"  Hehehe.... come again? Normal or "abnormal", sadly, I just didn't know waltz, Sir... LOL. I guess it comes within the territory, once a European assumes you can dance, you can definitely dance waltz...

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