There are many shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them. (Vicky Baum)

Friday, April 15, 2011

PINA: tanzt, tanzt, sonst sind wir verloren...the movie

I have no knowledge of German culture and history. I have no knowledge of classical culture.  I have no knowledge of the ballet world.  I speak only very little German.

PINA the movie blew my mind away.  Probably it had something to do with the fact that it's a 3D movie, but it's a seriously cool movie. First time I've heard of her was when my in-laws talked about the movie, so I don't know that much about her, more info here and here. But her choreography was very powerful, to say the least.  

What I really want to look up is the story and background of each piece featured in the movie.  I am wondering whether what I 'felt' and 'saw' was really what she wanted to convey.  But then again, probably the effect of art itself on people is as important as the intention behind it :)  My experiencing the pieces can have something to do, or nothing to do at all, with the intention and motivation, but it doesn't mean it's less meaningful or 'correct'.

I would say that there were not even 40 people in the theater last night, and the English speaking girl sitting next to me (who had her phone ringing within the first minute of the movie...) almost fell asleep at one point, but I think most people enjoyed it (though most people came 30 minutes too early, including us... because we all thought the movie would start at 8, when it's actually 8.30....).

Thank you, Mom in law, for taking me to the movie :)

Darmstadt, 15 April 2011.

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