Last Thursday was out first class in Sana'a. That was interesting, LOL.
I ended up with muscle sore, I think partly because I had spent the whole afternoon trying out exercises for the warm-up section, hahaha.... I must have repeated the work-out part like 5 times, before settling on the routine and songs I wanted to use for the actual workshop.
The turn up was rather surprisingly many. We know we had 18 people on the list, and I think around 20 people actually turned up. Wow... I've seen around the same number of people dancing in our front room, but to look at them looking at me all at the same time, geez.... it kind of only hit me then, how many people we were about to lead astray. I haven't been teaching (anything) in a large group for almost a year now, so that was an interesting refresher, stage fright, voice projection and all that stuff.
As I was working up the time division, I started to realize that the original lesson plan was kind of ambitious. I was relying on the fact that most people would have known the basic already. But from the sign-up list, I knew that there would be also some real beginners. And as I had expected, we barely made it to the 'inside turn for lead', when the time ran out.
We managed to squeeze in the combination of the follow-lead consecutive turns, but that was already pushing it. That only means, there is more stuff to learn/review next time around.
Der Herr and I were just hoping that people had fun, and learned something in the process. It at least seemed that they had fun ;p And the absolute beginners did seem to learn somethings.